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So you’ve got a shiny new website…now what?! Unless you have your website work for you, it isn’t going to do too much for you. You’ve got to utilize all that data it’s bringing in, and use it to your advantage! Google Analytics can be hard to figure out, but Web Designer Depot has you covered with some specific metrics to pay extra attention to. Let KEYLAY Design help design a website that you can use to rise to new heights!

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The Starbucks Siren has been the face of the brand since 2011, when the global branding team at Lippincott broke the Siren out of her circle, turned her from black to Starbucks green and scrapped the company name. She’s beautiful right? Something about her is soothing, calming. But if you look closely enough at her, you’ll see some imperfections that are very deliberate — and the branding team says those imperfections are why the logo works. Fast Company has the intriguing story!

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On Monday, the Smithsonian Museum unveiled the official portraits of former First couple, Barack and Michelle Obama. As well as being, obviously, the official portraits of the first black President and First Lady, both portraits were also painted by black painters, another first! What do you think of the paintings?

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Not everyone has a special someone on Valentine’s day, but never fear, Nike has created a Valentine’s day pack for single ladies. Incorporating a broken heart graphic design, these shoes will definitely make you forget about anyone who may have broken your heart. You’ll be too busy looking good to worry about it!

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On this week’s episode of VH1’s “Behind the Logo,”… We love this essay Design Observer pulled from their archives to inspire people to save the historic New Haven Railroad logo from being scrapped from all Connecticut commuter trains. It speaks to the importance of a logo design to Falls Village, “the third smallest town in Connecticut.” Meet Patrick McGinnis, Herbert Matter and all the other (real life) characters who brought this logo to life, and think about what you want the legacy of your logo to be.

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Lufthansa announced their first major advertising design and branding overhaul in years, by getting rid of the bright yellow that has been their signature color since the 1960s. This rebrand marks the 100th anniversary of the company’s crane logo design, and will include a custom typeface and repainting of the planes themselves.