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You guys, science has spoken, and you can’t argue with science: naps make you MORE productive! And once you wake up and crank out some amazing work, KEYLAY Design is here to help you make the big picture come together. Contact us today!

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David Bowie wasn’t just a rockstar. He was also an icon of fashion and design. As we here at KEYLAY Design continue to honor his life, see what U.S. News and World Report says about Bowie’s influence on the fashion design community.

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The next great idea can strike anywhere! This infographic shows the unlikely locations of some of the best ideas ever thought up. Maybe your idea will be next! And when it comes time to brand your brainchild, KEYLAY Design is here to make it pop!


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What’s the different between you and, say, Martha Stewart? Besides millions of dollars and a media empire, of course! This interactive microsite showcases the morning habits of highly successful people that we all look up to. Are you doing any of these things already? What areas could you improve on to increase your effectiveness?