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Product launches have a lot of moving parts. Development. Prototyping. Planning. And yes, creating a product marketing campaign.

But what does it take to make it a successful one?

We’re going to walk you through a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind to develop a marketing plan that will make your next product launch a success.

Do Come Up with Measurable Goals

Before launching any campaign, you’ll need to understand what Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the results against.

Some KPIs to measure might include:

– Hitting a certain sales goal within [X] time
– Acquiring a specific number of new customers
– Monitoring the number of new followers on your company’s social platforms
– Increasing the amount of traffic the website receives by [X]

To get there and achieve these goals, it makes sense to bring in other team members. Talk to your sales department and refer to your overall marketing strategy to form a cohesive plan.

You’ll also want to include your creative team. Designers, developers, etc., need to understand your goals so they can deliver a solution that works for the product.

What you don’t want is to leave any of these groups in the dark. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

Don’t Listen to Marketing Myths

There’s a common myth in marketing that we want to clear up—ever heard of the Rule of Seven?

This rule states that it takes seven contacts between a brand’s message and the customer before they’re ready to buy. We’re inclined to disagree.

People are not part of a hive mind, and their buying decisions depend on many factors. Some care about cost, while others base it on the type of item or length of time to receive it, including whether the purchase will bring instant gratification.

The path to getting your product into the hands of customers is also dependent on whether or not it’s a B2B or B2C product.

For instance, products with a higher cost, think four figures and up, will have a longer sales cycle. Larger investments usually require more consideration and justification versus smaller, lower-cost ones.

Do Talk About What Makes Your Product Unique

Some products focus on all of their incredible features. But this isn’t what customers want to see. When brands boast about all of the bells and whistles, it leads people to say, ‘So what?.’

To get around this, you’ll want to make the benefits the star.

Show how the product solves a customer’s specific problem and turn the solution into a relatable story. From there, use the product’s features to enhance and back up its benefits.

Don’t Let the Competition Trip You Up

When planning any product marketing campaign, you’ll want to look for ways to edge out the competition. If you’re wondering how, go back to basics and listen to your target audience and underserved people within the market.

How can you slide in to fill in the gap when the competition isn’t delivering?

Once you uncover the spots where other company’s products aren’t giving people what they want, you can come in and give them more of the ‘wow factor they’re looking for.

And when it comes to product marketing, it’s all about how well you can dig into the end user’s motivators.

Do Plan for the Campaign Lifecycle

Many businesses focus on part of the customer journey, not all of it. Marketing has become more sophisticated over the past couple of decades. People are discovering, evaluating, and making purchases using different digital outlets.

There’s no longer one path from which all consumers interact with a brand. Plus, they’re also shortening their own sales process by arming themselves with information before buying.

You’ll need to plan for this. All of your communication and creative campaigns have to center around multiple demographics and touchpoints, which we’ll admit sounds overwhelming.

But machine learning, automation, robust data, the rise of advanced marketing tactics, and new social networking platforms are making it a little less so.

Use this to your advantage and devise a solution for each customer interaction throughout the campaign. Think of creating smarter emails, personalized content, and advanced visual cues to engage with people.


Product marketing is about more than the product. It’s about delivering an experience—a solution. To get to the point where a customer becomes more than a prospect, you need to continuously engage them in conversation and make them part of the brand story.

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Apple is showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community with new Apple Watch accessories! There are two multi-colored Pride wristbands, and an Apple Watch face to match. Not just rainbow colors slapped on a surface and labeled “Pride”, these items show the care od design you expect from a design powerhouse like Apple, and are surely something you’d be proud to wear all year long. While it is Apple after all, so the wristbands don’t come cheap, but you can be confident that you’re supporting design that is inclusive of everyone!

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It’s so close, you can almost smell it: a return to the more normal times pre-covid. While our world will never be the same, the things we missed the most will soon be available again, like going to the bar for a beer! Guinness, known for its great design almost from day one, doesn’t disappoint during this time. The Guinness Doppelganger series of ads uses clever design to show what’s really on your mind: a cold pint of Guinnes beer. In the UK, pubs and bars opened up on May 17th, so this was surely on a lot of minds! Cheers to Guinness for a clever use of design and illusion to make a great series of ads!


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Ok, if this isn’t the most genius advertising campaign you have ever seen, we don’t know what to tell you! Now, you can go and get your Covid vaccine…in Count Dracula’s castle! Romania, in an effort to boost vaccination rates in their country as well as promote tourism after the stagnation of 2020, has opened the 14th century Bran castle in Transylvania as a vaccination center. Once you’ve received your jab, you’re entitled to view the castle’s 52 medieval torture devices for free. They will definitely help you feel less nervous about a little tiny needle in your arm! We’ve already been vaccinated, but this is so good!

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As graphic designers, photo touch ups are an everyday occurrence in our world. Sometimes we have to bend physics a little bit to get the perfect composite to make an impactful image, but a lot of times, we get asked to “just take off a few pounds”, “can you smooth those wrinkles?” Dove and Ogilvy have a new campaign that highlights the impact those perfecting touches can have on women and girls. The campaign, called Reverse Selfie, seeks to try to swing the perception of beauty back into what is real and attainable, and not making people feel bad that they can’t look like a supermodel who had a whole makeup and hair team, plus hours of digital retouching done, and bring back some genuine images into advertising and media!

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To celebrate the 85th anniversary of the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War, chocolatiers all over Spain’s Basque Country, where Guernica sits, joined forces to commemorate the occasion in a pretty unique way. Most people have heard of Guernica in the context of Pablo Picasso’s famous 25 ft long painting by the same name, depicting the horrors of war. For this milestone, the chocolatiers have recreated this mammoth work of art entirely in chocolate, even down to the individual brushstrokes! It took over 1000 lbs of cocoa to make all of the chocolate from scratch, and I bet it tastes as great as it looks.