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“Hi, I’m a website. I’ll be gone soon, and that’s okay. . . . If I go 24 hours without receiving a message, I’ll permanently self-destruct.”…these are the first words you’ll read when you go to Designed by artist Femme Android, this quirky website does exactly what it says it will: it needs to be fed messages or it will erase itself and its database and any evidence that it ever existed. Don’t have anything to say? That’s ok, there’s an option to read the messages others have left.

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You’ve seen this iconic graphic design piece: the red background with the strong white text capped by a crown, that reads “Keep Calm and Cary On.” But do you know the origin? Part of a World War 2 effort to raise morale across the UK, what made this design so lasting that it’s still used and referenced today? This article explores the fascinating route this wartime piece of graphic design was resurrected and became part of the mainstream.

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We may all be stuck inside for now, but NASA has debuted a new website that lets you expand your horizons, even if only for a little bit. This new NASA tool lets you see the photograph the Hubble Space Telescope took on your birthday! Each image comes with an explanatory caption that lets you know more context about what you’re looking at. We love this beautiful tool and how it can help us feel peaceful in these crazy times.

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Do you miss the office? The employees of Kids Creative Agency sure did, so they came up with a solution: office noises to make your home feel more like work! And it’s packaged in a beautiful presentation, to boot. You can set the number of colleagues you’re used to working with and turn on select noises to create the most personalized office soundtrack for you.

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There’s more to creative problem solving than design! While graphic design can carry your idea over the finish line, the foundation should be creative as well. Fast Company has some great examples of how companies are adapting creatively to the new reality of the pandemic. These 5 ideas and great examples of them in practice are a great guideline for anyone looking to adapt!

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Having trouble feeling creative during quarantine? Want to keep your skills sharp when your client demands aren’t quite as high? Make It Pop is here with a random creative prompt generator to save the day! The results can run the gamut from the ridiculous to the very NSFW, but they’re all hilarious and will get your brain working and your creative juices flowing.