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What’s the difference between brand name and generic products? Honestly, not a whole lot. However, there is one major distinction: brand recognition. Your brand distinguishes you from all the other guys, and you need to stand out! KEYLAY Design can help you be the memorable one, while all the other guys get lost in the crowd. Contact us today!

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The impending Tokyo, Japan Olympics will be here before we know it, meaning the year 2020 may not be as futuristic as it used to sound. Only seems right that they’re gearing up. We’d love to take a stab at designing the Olympic logo! How do you feel about what they came up with?

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Picking the overall shape for your logo design isn’t just a guessing game, there’s science and meaning behind it! Subconsciously, different shapes communicate different feelings and ideas to consumers. Don’t take a stab in the dark! Talk to KEYLAY Design today to make sure your logo communicates exactly what you intend.

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What began as a temporary fostering of a happy pup turned into the permanent adoption of KEYLAY Design’s mascot. Our founders brought Kane (formerly named King Kane) into both their home and the KEYLAY family. Kane was quickly given the title of VP of Meet and Greets since he enjoys welcoming each and every team member who steps through the door. In addition to his main role, Kane has also taken on the responsibility of providing smiles and joy in the form of belly rubs, head scratches, and snuggles. However, an unforeseen illness is threatening to take Kane away from those who love him most.

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Our youngest and furriest employee desperately needs your help to fight a life-threatening disease. Right now, Kane is taking a number of medications to aid in his recovery. However, his treatment is both costly and intensive. We at KEYLAY Design need your support to save our beloved Kane.

The genuine love and devotion that Kane provides to the KEYLAY family is unparalleled and we want him to give him the treatment he deserves to live a long and happy life. All donations will go towards Kane’s ongoing treatment and recovery. Any excess donations will go to Angels Among Us, an animal rescue organization based in Atlanta.

Please visit Kane’s GoFundMe page to give a donation towards his treatment.


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In a city where the Beltline is basically a highway, biking has become a way of life. If you’re one of those folks, what say you about the design and appeal of this electric bike?

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We all know Ikea is great. That isn’t up for debate. But have you ever been left scratching your head, trying to figure out if your new Hemnes dresser is named after anything in specific? Or did they just pull a Haagen-Dazs and make it all up? Now the mystery of their creative advertising design and content writing has been solved! Check out this site with the origins behind your favorite Ikea furniture names.