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Ever heard of sponge cake? Not like chef Ben Churchill makes it! The self-taught chef is a master of food illusion and graphic design. While the finished products look like something that needs to go out with the trash, watching them be created can maybe change your mind! Check out his Instagram below, and yes, it’s all edible!

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PANTONE is seeing a demand for brighter, extra brilliant colors, and they were determined to deliver. However, they discovered that not all mediums are able to carry such intense hues. The color authority has just introduced 203 new colors for textiles, specifically polyesters for their ability to hold a vivid color. Hello, vivid Pantone leggings!

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IKEA has been partnering with collaborators for a while now, but recently they’ve chosen to engage with a whole new crop for a worthy cause: The Jordan River Foundation. Created by 50 refugees and 50 women, IKEA has launched the TILLTALANDE collection, an effort that has created more job opportunities for Jordanian women and refugees coming mainly from Syria. The handcrafted series of beautiful textiles is made from sustainable materials and draws inspiration from Jordan’s picturesque landscapes.

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Are you watching the World Cup? Between the shocking news that the USMNT did not make the competition, and the inclusion of first-timers Iceland and Panama, the jersey design might have escaped notice for awhile. Well, not anymore: viewers have caught on to the font used by Adidas on the World Cup jerseys is, well…not the most easily read. Typography is important in graphic design, especially on a world stage! We could have told them that 🙂

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Have you noticed lately that Amazon Prime products have dropped the most recognizable part: “Amazon”? They also changed the color to a bright blue, and eschewed the black and orange of the parent company. With their expanded offerings, like streaming television and Whole foods, Amazon thinks it’s time for Prime to stretch its wings and be its own brand. Brand redesigns are usually bmet with large announcements, but this new graphic design change has been quiet. Did you notice the change?

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Excitement over space exploration is at an all-time high, and IKEA has noticed. With talks about manned colonies on Mars in the near-ish future, IKEA seems determined to not only be the go-to furniture supplier on Earth, but outer space as well! Since we can’t pack up and move to Mars next week, for the time being the RUMTID collection from IKEA will be a NASA-inspired furnishing line for our home base on Earth. Specializing in maxing out small living spaces, IKEA shows that they have the design thinking to back up their brand. .