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Keeping a consistent culture within your business practices is crucial. But does it always have to be a “fun” culture? See what Fast Company has to say.

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Google has just released its $149 (previously $500!) photo editing software, Nik, for free! Knowing how to edit your own photos can be a key tool for taking headshots or social media posts to the next level. Of course, if this still looks too daunting, KEYLAY can add a little graphic design to the mix and is happy to help!

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What makes a great graphic designer? These are just a few of the highly redeeming qualities. 

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Well THIS would’ve been helpful 2 months ago when redesigning our new kitchen….

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Have you ever sent in photography to your graphic designer, and had them ask you for a “higher resolution”? Your response may have been “…huh?” This infographic explains exactly what that means, and why it’s important to showcase high quality, high resolution images in your company’s advertising campaigns. So next time it comes up, just know that graphic designers like us at KEYLAY really have your best interests at heart.

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Who tuned into Apple’s live stream yesterday? If you missed it, here’s a quick recap of everything you need to know.