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British paper company GF Smith wanted to find out what the world’s favorite color was. Six months and 30,000 votes later, they have a winner. And it’s … a shade of teal? The team at Architectural Digest has more on the winning color and where it came from. What’s your favorite color? And does it happen to be reflected in your company’s graphic design?

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Did you watch the Solar Eclipse on August 21 with approved viewing glasses? Well, don’t throw them away! Astronomy Without Borders is collecting our 2017 eclipse glasses to use in South America and Asia for their eclipse in 2019. Help others see the same amazing phenomenon you just got to see, and donate your glasses today!

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Do you remember prominent logos as well as you think you do? The answer may surprise you! asked 150 Americans to draw famous logo designs from memory. They then compared the drawings and rated them for accuracy. Some people were great at recreating them perfectly, and some people less so, but regardless, the results are interesting!

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Design magazine Specky Boy caught our attention with this piece on a study done to determine the personality types of web designers and we were intrigued by the results. 64 designers were tested using the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator. Did you expect introverts to come out on top? You’re only partially right then.

Three personality types tied for first place, and yes, one of them was the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging type or INTJ. This type of web designer is slower to speak his or her mind, is a smart decision-maker, takes their time making those smart decisions, goes with their first instinct and likes structure, planning and organization to succeed.

Another one that tied for first, though, was the Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging type. This type makes decisions primarily based on social considerations, expresses their emotions and listens to the hearts and feelings of others, based decisions on how something makes them feel versus data and logic.

And the final one to tie for first was the Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving type. This is very similar to the previous type mentioned, but carries the perceiving trait instead of the judging trait. This kind of web designer thinks more freely, sees structure as a limitation on their creative process and flourishes in workplaces that encourage outside-the-box thinking.
Find out what the common factor was in each of these and why, plus discover how to make the most of your personality type!

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Software comes and goes, but when Microsoft recently announced that graphic editor Paint was on the chopping block, the internet was in mourning. The program has been around for over 30 years, and therefore was a part of the formative years for for many graphic designers and others who used it in one form or another. The Guardian has more details on the move, but it got us thinking. What long-running software would you hate to see go, even if you don’t use it as much anymore? And what kind of product or service can your company create that inspires such loyalty in your customer base?

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Whether you got to see it, or thought it lived up to the hype, there’s no denying that the total solar eclipse was a pretty big event. Some savvy brands decided to leverage this in their graphic design and created specialized campaigns to coincide with the eclipse. Some are funny, some are weird, and some help promote scientific knowledge, so they run the full gamut! AdWeek highlights some of the best and craziest.