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I think we’re all pretty tired of hearing the term “fake news”, but it is important to know, especially in an election year, whether or not your eyes are deceiving you. They’ve said it for years, but they were right: don’t believe everything you see on the internet. You may think you’ve got a well-trained eye that can pick up on the minute details that reveal false information, but you may be surprised.

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Graphic design can be such an impactful visual cue! If you’re making a movie that takes place in the 80s, you aren’t going to use dull colors, and you better not forget the neon. The new logo to commemorate 80 years of Wonder Woman in 2021 has been unveiled, and what does that have to do with the 80s? Well, it also harkens to the new Wonder Woman 1984 movie, due out soon. The logo is beautiful and commemorative, but it wouldn’t make as much of a splash if the designers weren’t careful and did their homework!


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A little bit ago, we shared the exciting news that this year, in light of the pandemic, Adobe MAX, the flagship annual design conference, would be free and virtual this year. Well, registration is now open! We wouldn’t want you to let the registration window pass you by. The free conference doesn’t seem to mean any lapse in quality content: speakers this year include Ava DuVernay, Annie Leibovitz, Keanu Reeves, Tyler the Creator, and more. There are over 350 sessions you can access for free! With that much content, there is sure to be something for everyone who loves design.

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Are you wearing a mask when you go out into public? We know, they can be hard to remember to bring and they aren’t the most comfortable parts of our outfits,to say the least. Artist Noma Bar made these gorgeous posters that have optical illusion hints of what we’re missing out on! Wearing the mask can make things go back to normal faster, and the artist uses a clever application of graphic design to remind you what “normal” looks like.

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A picture is worth a thousand words: an old saying, but one with staying power, because of how true it rings. Graphic designers are practiced at making perfect image selections for projects, because the image can be so important to accomplishing your design goal. Some images just resonate with your audience. Enter the Twitter account One Perfect Shot. It captures shots from film and movies that just…work. If you give the account a scroll, you’ll see why! and if you don’t have Twitter, never fear, HBO has greenlit a docuseries based on the images and concepts from the account, so you can catch it at home soon!

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Everyone’s favorite aspirational kitchenware provider Williams Sonoma has stirred up something special with 10 celebrities, commissioning designs for its newest philanthropic venture: a bespoke spatula collection for a good cause. The fundraiser, Tools for Change, is in its 6th year providing funds for No Kids Hungry, and Williams Sonoma invited powerhouses like Dolly Parton, Kristen Bell, Ina Garten, and Giada de Laurentiis to make artwork to put on spatulas and matching tea towels. Can you tell who designed what?