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Don’t let the simplicity of this tool fool you, this is a game changer for designers, especially UX. Typescale helps you set the scale of your type (duh) at different responsive breakpoints. No more guessing at what might look good and pulling it up on an emulator or even worse, your own mobile phone, you can see them all in one place, and even set the font you’re using to get the whole picture. There’s also a sidebar that flies out to showcase larger blocks of text scaled, and it will give you the size in rem (and even has a nice little description about what rem is vs em)! This tool is definitely in our bookmark bar now!

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Maybe you’ve seen references to it online, and maybe you’ve seen the Netflix movie starring Will Ferrell, but if you’re an American, there’s a good chance you don’t really get what exactly Eurovision is. Or know just how big of a deal it is in the rest of the world. Never fear, Reuters is here with a very in-depth visual history of Eurovision, all the way back to the first year of the contest. The competition wrapped up last week (we won’t spoil it, iot was awesome!), but you can brush up and be ready to get Eurovision-obsessed next year!

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Did you know that potato chips are vegan, all natural, and cholesterol-free? Technically, that’s all true, but those buzzwords don’t make them healthy for you all the same. A lot of food marketers use these buzzwords to make foods seem more healthy than they actually are. And they keep doing it, because it works, as shown by health food branding expert Matt Rosenman of Cheat Day Design. Matt has rebranded everyday snack foods as “healthy options” in a TikTok series that really highlights the power of packaging design! The buzzwords might be flying, but it’s very interesting to note that none of them are lies, at least not per FDA guidelines.

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Are you a font fiend? Prove it! Last week, a whole category on the popular quiz game show was dedicated to typefaces. The category, ‘A Real Font of Knowledge’, tested contested on their font fact knowledge, and some of the questions were a little obscure. As a design connaisseur, we’re sure the fact that the questions are written in the font in question is a dead giveaway for you! Would you have taken home $6000 from this category?

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This one sent us down quite a rabbit hole! We were today years old when we learned that the ornate Stella Artois beer horn logo dates back to the 14th century, and is considered the oldest logo still in existence! For their newest campaign, the beer makers have combed through old (very old!) artworks to see if they could spot the logo on brews that the subjects were drinking. By using an algorithm, creative agency GUT analyzed artwork and decided on a probability that the beer pictured was Stella. Making a logo that lasts even a fraction of that time is pretty much #designergoals!

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King Charles III was crowned as the new monarch of England last weekend, and brands around the world couldn’t resist the opportunity to creatively mark the occasion. While not a big deal for those of us in the US, in the UK, residents experienced a day off and huge national celebrations. From chocolates sporting crowns, to Burger King (temporarily) dropping “Burger” from their logo, global brands turned out for the occasion. Which clever idea was your favorite?