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Sometimes graphic design can be hard, it can be really tough to be creative day in and day out. But there’s a reason we chose this profession in the first place: ultimately, design is fun! This series by designer Ilya Stallone is a perfect example. The designer imagined modern day, household-name compay’s logos as medieval! He nailed the art style, down to the deadpan faces of the human aspects, and the creative, sometimes grotesque extra details in simple logos. He did such a good job, Burger King even shared his version of their logo on Instagram!

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Coke packaging is back with a really elegant design solution! In the next month, the Coca-Cola company will be rolling out new packaging on some of its flavored sodas, with the intention of making exactly what you’re buying more clear. For example, Cherry Coke now has a Magenta packaging. White logo for regular, and black logo for sugar free, harkening to Coke Zero. Using colors for only one purpose for each is a really simple and clean way to make sure everything is consistent across their packaging, and most importantly, that customers know exactly what they’re grabbing off the shelves.

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What would you say if someone asked you to define ‘branding’ right now? It’s okay if you don’t have an answer. But if you ask us, we would say that it’s more than the visual elements that people typically associate with it, logos, taglines, and color palettes.

It’s the connection and relatability people have with it.

Think about it. When someone mentions a specific brand name, a particular image or feeling may spring to mind. For instance, they might feel sparks of excitement and joy bubble up just like those found in every can of Coca-Cola. And the name Betty Crocker conjures up memories of licking frosting off butter knives and baking cakes.

These associations are important for businesses because they’re the bonds that connect customers with their brand.

But branding itself does so much more.

It Shows What Your Company Stands For

Before the days of social media notifications and packed email inboxes, people knew what to expect from their favorite companies. And those companies fulfilled their brand promise to the consumer.

retro tupperware ad
Source: Clickamericana

In the 1940s, Tupperware was known for providing storage containers that always made sure food was fresh and ready for any occasion. And Tupperware parties were opportunities to mingle and spread the word about the brand and its products. Even though these parties are now a thing of the past, their Tupperware can still be found in our cabinets, and they still give us the same quality some 80 years later.

By living up to your brand’s promise to the customer, you’re setting up expectations. They’ll have the same experience every time, which creates loyal fans of the brand.

Branding Creates Emotional Connections with Audiences

Whether your business is cool and stylish like Fenty Beauty or changed the hospitality landscape, like Airbnb, branding makes people feel like they’re part of a larger, global tribe.

airbnb homepage screenshot

In the case of Airbnb, they’ve built their story around travelers and hosts, putting both front and center.

Fenty Beauty Homepage screenshot

Meanwhile, Fenty combines beauty and multiculturalism to embrace people from all backgrounds and deliver an inclusive experience.

They truly listened to their audience and presented themselves as more than a solution, and in return, customers gave them their loyalty.

Branding Helps Your Knock Out Your Rivals

Plenty of companies out there do what you do, but how many of them have your mojo? B2B and B2C branding, when done well, sets an example that competitors envy and want to emulate.

But more importantly, it makes an impression that ripples through the entire industry. Memorable companies aren’t afraid to take risks and believe wholeheartedly in their mission. In turn, this sets the brand apart from similar businesses that don’t have your special spark.

Branding Keeps Your Messaging Tight

Vague messages not only confuse people but also make you sound unconfident. When companies are unsure about or leave their brand’s messaging on the backburner, this uncertainty could lead to trust issues from customers. Brands that are consistent and assured in their mission make it easier to live up to the standards you’ve created. It’s also how they keep their messaging on point and focused.

Branding Shows the Value Your Business Brings

Think about the brands you love. You might have a few Samsung products in your home or office right now. Or maybe you used Google to find the article you’re reading right now. And perhaps, this weekend, you’ll make a run to Walmart to grab some much-needed toiletries.

Part of branding means establishing a presence that permeates into your customers’ lives. To do this, you’ll need to show the value your brand brings into their lives and how your products and services are the solutions they can’t live without.

Branding Helps Businesses Grow

Branding is also an exercise in building a legacy. One where you’re setting a solid foundation for future generations to know your business by name and endure as a staple in their lives.

Part of this is using your company’s branding not only to ingrain itself in the minds of your audience but look for opportunities to serve based on their needs and values.

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Freebie alert! If you need something to bump up your digital design, this gallery of 48 designer-curated gradients may be just the thing! Sometimes color coordination can be a hassle, so these gradients have you covered with a lot of options to give your design the dimension it might be lacking. Best part: they are totally and completely free to use in your work!

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Y’all know we love a good rebrand! Aardman’s rebrand goes a lot further than just changing colors and typefaces, this rebrand has layers and we are loving it. While the name alone may not jump out at you, you’re no doubt familiar with Aardman animation studios: they brought us the classic Wallace & Gromit claymation cartoons! This rebrand puts a lot of their iconic characters front and center…as well as a specific nod to the people behind the scenes doing the tough work of animation. Can you spot it? They have incorporated the thumbprints of the clay sculptors into their patterns! The most impressive part is that they did this rebrand in house. If you don’t have the resources to undertake something like that, KEYLAY Design is happy to help!

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This week’s theme is Design Fails in State Government! Next up: this seal for St Francois County, Missouri. It’s a doozy. We will cut the county employee who made this masterpiece a little bit of slack, as he’s 74 years old and they only had 2 days to make the art, but if this isn’t a great example of why you should hire a professional graphic designer, we don’t know what is. The most amazing part of this: this seal was designed in 2018, and has been the seal for the county ever since. We’re pretty good designers, so if you ever want to fix it, St Francois County, give us a shout!