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The long wait comes to an end as the KEYLAY staff gets an upgrade! Along with the simple idea that we will now have phones that are fully functional and stay charged, we will be on the search for new apps and features that will benefit you and our clients. Stay tuned as we explore the new iPhone 6s. Let us know what features you like and find.

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Did you watch the Apple Developer’s Conference? They touted a lot of new features coming out with iOS 9 in September. Which ones are you most excited about? Pssst… KEYLAY designs apps too!

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We all have those days, where getting any work done can feel like a monumental feat. As summer winds down, check out these tips to get yourself feeling rejuvenated and productive at your work! And if these tips don’t work, KEYLAYcan always redesign your resume!

Article By Chloe Bryan 15 simple things you can do to stay happy at work

You personalize your home; why not personalize your desk? Make your cube or office a pleasant place to work with a few framed photos, a decorative pen holder or a tiny cactus.

Get some fresh air and increase cerebral blood flow by taking a brisk walk during the workday. It doesn’t have to be long — ten minutes will do the trick.

The Mayo Clinic recommends drinking between two and three liters of water per day. If plain H2O is getting boring, try these hydrating foods.

Yes, receiving compliments feels good. But giving compliments allows you to facilitate a positive, giving environment yourself, which feels even better. More importantly, it might make someone’s day.

Having plants around contributes to a healthy, vital environment, which can keep you energized. For an easy-care option, try a cactus. For added usefulness, consider an aloe plant, which can be used to soothe sunburn.

You might feel silly talking to yourself in the mirror, but it could actually improve your workday. According to the British Psychological Association, addressing yourself as “you” may be an effective happiness booster. Why? It may trigger positive core memories of being encouraged as a child.

Real mugs and plates cut down on paper and plastic waste. They also make your office space feel more homey and comfortable.

…or whatever makes you laugh. Laughter isn’t just a mood booster, either. It actually stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the amount of endorphins released by the brain.

…it’s fun.

According to the Harvard Health Blog, volunteering is beneficial for both mental and physical health. Helping others helps you feel more connected and useful, and continued volunteerism could help bring down high blood pressure.

They don’t just smell pretty. Each essential oil has a unique function, from aiding digestion (peppermint) to soothing nerves (lavender, chamomile). A little packs a lot of punch, so you can keep a tiny vial at your desk.

When you get to work in the morning, make a mini-list of your two or three most important tasks for the day. Dividing your week into smaller projects will make it seem a lot less daunting.

Step away from the vending machine and pack a gourmet snack from home, like apples with almond butter, pomegranate seeds or homemade hummus and pita. You’ll be eating real, intentional food, and you’ll save a few laundry quarters.

Were you ever pleasantly surprised by how much you remembered in the morning after a night of studying? The same principle applies at work. If you feel unfocused or zoned out, it’s probably time to take a break — you’ll retain information better.

If, despite your best efforts, you’re simply not happy with your job, it may be time to start hunting for a new one. It’s difficult to take that first step, but who knows — a change of scenery might be the mood booster you really need.

And the really comforting thought is that if you do decide to take the step and search for a new job, KEYLAY is here to help you polish up your resume design and personal brand so you can obtain the career of your dreams.

Check out what we have done for others just like you!

– Kyle

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Do you ever think about the colors you associate with brands? Of course not! That’s the point. This designer switched the color schemes of famous rival brands, and the results are…unsettling. Check it out and see just how important color is to your brand!

Don’t worry KEYLAY will work with you and your company to make sure your brand hits the mark!

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Google unveiled its new logo yesterday! Some people love it, and some do not. Here are a few comments from social media. What do you think of the change?

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Another Labor Day weekend has passed, and in Atlanta, that means the costumes came out for Dragon Con! Check out some of these amazing costumes from Atlanta, the home of KEYLAY Design.

Photo Credit: James W Barker