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The Twitter feed of graphic designer James Fridman is hilarious! Submitters send in photos and requests for him to edit them in Photoshop, and he takes them at their word. EXACTLY at their word. The results are hilarious!

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Fortune Magazine editor-in-chief Clifton Leaf has a great story about how the height of the ceilings at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was an empathetic design choice, and how important empathy – and respect for the end user – is to successful graphic design. It warmed our hearts and got us thinking; we hope it does for you too!

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These collages in layers of glass are the creative product of artist and graphic designer Dustin Yellin. We are very impressed with his level of detail and his entire creative process! These finished pieces are so gorgeous. Check out the video, and take a look at the level of detail that goes into these amazing art pieces.

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Nutella has one of the most recognizable logos in the world, and architecture and design magazine Dezeen lays out how the company’s ad agency harnessed the power of that logo to create seven million different versions of Nutella’s graphic identity. This goes to show that with the right graphic designer and the right technology can make for a successful campaign, and even turn a product into art.

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Now this is a lifehack KEYLAY Design can get behind! We love to be creative and apply it to your brand, but we can’t lie: creativity isn’t like running a water faucet. Somedays, it’s hard to get a good flow going. Thankfully, LifeHacker has some tips and tricks for graphic designers to become more creative everyday. We can’t wait to try these out!

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We’ve been waiting for this day for some time. Art director action figures! This is a brilliant marketing campaign from Adobe that pokes fun at the micro-managing and self-aggrandising art directors. The action figure comes complete with “geometric tattoos, limited-edition sneakers and signature skinny jeans” per Creative Bloq. You can even submit your best snarky art director one-liners to Adobe. This reminds of us how not to act when in the trenches with co-workers!