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Fashion Design? You Mean Graphic Design

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Fashion Design? You Mean Graphic Design

Jan 14, 2019

Professional designers can’t afford to wait for inspiration to hit. There’s simply too much competition. You must do what is necessary to encourage creativity if you expect to be successful. Meaning that you have to stay ahead of the curve.

Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration

Is inspiration some esoteric gossamer piece of whimsy that must be anticipated with bated breath, or can you find a way to make lightning strike in the same place twice? Tara Heavey asks, “Can you use perspiration to fuel the pump of inspiration? The truth is, you can waste a lot of time waiting for inspiration to grant a moment of brilliance, or you can create an environment that’s conducive to creating those moments that matter most in the creative process.” You don’t have to be at the mercy of the fates; you can create inspiration at will. As a professional designer, you’re obligated to do just that. Fashion designers must be both artists and craftsmen.

Inspiration Can Come from Anywhere

One of the most important things you can do to cultivate inspiration is to keep your eyes and mind open. For instance, both fashion design and graphic design are often heavily influenced by current trends in pop culture, historical art, and contemporary cultural symbols. Failing to take notice of this creates missed opportunities and limits your own imagination. The Proof Fairy explains, “You also need to cultivate the kinds of relationships that will sustain you and give you the chance to experience those beneficial bolts of brilliance more often. Professional relationships should help each person in the relationship to be successful.”

It’s All Art in the End

The primary goal of graphic design and fashion design is the same in the end: to create a functional, aesthetically-pleasing product. To accomplish this successfully, fashion designers must be both artists and craftsmen. As a creative professional, you should recognize the importance of controlling the creative process to the extent it is possible. Kapital Clothing states their mission as, “[We] don’t consider [ourselves] as artists, but as craftsmen. However, with our western view of practical beauty connecting life to a lens of understanding, those lines are favorably blurred.” As a professional, you should be able to find the inspiration needed to produce the kind of quality work necessary for success.

Inspiration is the stuff of success. As a professional, you must work to be receptive to the sources of inspiration around you. After all, you never know what bit of magic will be discovered around the next corner. But sometimes we need a little help and there is no shame in asking for it. Getting a fresh set of eyes can set the stage for increased productivity and inspiration.  Let us be that help for you!

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