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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Get a Bud for your Vaccination

Apr 30, 2021

In case anyone is on the fence about getting their Covid vaccination, Budweiser is here with a fun incentive! They’re offering free beer to those who get vaccinated. To make the announcement, the company released a commercial titled Reunited with Buds, and they let you know that to vaccinated individuals of eligible age, they have until May 16th to celebrate their favorite bars reopening with a free Budweiser. Head to the link below to show proof of vaccination by May16th,


Trade Cookies for Real Cookies

Apr 28, 2021

Surely you’ve seen the news, it’s been hard to avoid: cookies (the internet kind) are going away, and companies are in a mad scramble to figure out the next way to track consumers. Apple has already begun blocking, and the other Big 2 are right behind them. the MSCHF Collective is here with a plugin/game called Cooooookies, that has a real world prize for your cookies! Until May 3, 2021, the plugin will track the user who collects the most internet cookies,


See Heinz a Whole New Way

Apr 23, 2021

You know you’re a truly top-notch graphic designer if your logo becomes so iconic, it doesn’t even need the logo to be recognizable! In a team up with agency Rethink, Heinz is showing that even food arrayed in their iconic keystone-shaped logo is enough to be recognizable. You know exactly what they’re advertising, but it’s still a really incredible feeling to look at an ad that doesn’t have a logo at all! This is really innovative and we’re just amazed and inspired by the results.


How Building Brand Awareness Helps Small Brands Grow on Social Media

Apr 22, 2021

Year over year, social media usage among Gen Z, Millennials, and Baby Boomers continues to rise. Many of them turn to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and now TikTok to keep up with their favorite brands.

Whether you’re just starting with your business and are a team of one or have been around the block a few times, you know how important it is to maintain a social presence online.

And like a garden,


Take a Trip through Fried Chicken History

Apr 21, 2021

Good design and advertising can be powerful, no matter what you’re selling! This KFC commercial takes a new approach from the recent comical ads the fried chicken giant has produced, with the revolving cast playing The Colonel. This new ad is more poignant, and I never thought a story about fried chicken would make us feel warm and fuzzy, but here we are. The ad, released in France and made by design agency Havas Paris, takes the viewer on a trip through time,


Coke Can Facelift

Apr 16, 2021

For the first time since 2016, Coca-Cola has a new look for its cans! The new look, designed right here in KEYLAY’s home base of Atlanta, is a more minimalist take on the beverage cans, with a lot of the graphic clutter reduced. The new streamlined designs use the type elements as the main graphic themes, and gone are the circles and wave designs. The color coding will stay the same, with bright red for regular Coke,


