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When Touching Up Does More Harm Than Good

Experience Your Design

Experience Keylay

When Touching Up Does More Harm Than Good

May 12, 2021

As graphic designers, photo touch ups are an everyday occurrence in our world. Sometimes we have to bend physics a little bit to get the perfect composite to make an impactful image, but a lot of times, we get asked to “just take off a few pounds”, “can you smooth those wrinkles?” Dove and Ogilvy have a new campaign that highlights the impact those perfecting touches can have on women and girls. The campaign, called Reverse Selfie, seeks to try to swing the perception of beauty back into what is real and attainable, and not making people feel bad that they can’t look like a supermodel who had a whole makeup and hair team, plus hours of digital retouching done, and bring back some genuine images into advertising and media!
See the differences here >>

