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Start Them Young!

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Start Them Young!

Apr 20, 2022

The UK has ambitious space goals in 2022: to be the first nation in Europe to host small scale satellite launches, with the goal of helping weather predictions, improving connectivity, and aiding in GPS navigation. So, naturally, when you have an ambitious project, you need a fancy new logo design to kick off such a momentous occasion! The UK Space Agency thought so at least, so they opened a contest for children to design the logo that will adorn the first rockets launching satellites this year. And the winner, out of over 10,000 entries, is Collum Wilkinson, with his design…and he is only 6 years old! We think he’s got a great future ahead of him as a designer!
Competition winner Callum stands holding his winning entry, featuring a satellite orbiting the Earth surrounded by icons representing climate change
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