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Pantone Workaround…That’s Free!

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Pantone Workaround…That’s Free!

Nov 11, 2022

You may have seen our past post about how Adobe is removing the Pantone color books from their design software. We’ve been waiting to see how they were going to handle that going forward, and we’re disappointed to report that they plan to make users pay for Pantone swatches going forward. But from that disappointing news, we have a little bit of good news: artist Stuart Semple has created a free Adobe plugin that “liberates” blocked color books. Called Freetone, it reopens your Pantone color books and lets you continue your work without another subscription. There are only two caveats: no one who works for Adobe or Pantone is allowed to download the plugin, so if you don’t fit into those boxes, download away!

Get your Pantone fix here >>

