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Mid Century Modern Greats and Children Books: An Unlikely Duo

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Mid Century Modern Greats and Children Books: An Unlikely Duo

Jun 19, 2024

Have you ever noticed that most of the big names of midcentury design also have a children’s book design or two under their belts? During that prolific period of design, many designers looked towards children’s books as a way to explore new creative avenues and showcase their mid century modern aesthetics in a fresh format. This era saw the fusion of playful yet sophisticated design elements that just so happened to resonate with both children and adults. Designers like Leo Lionni, Bruno Munari, and Paul Rand found children’s books to be a perfect medium for experimentation with color, typography, and illustration, allowing them to craft visually engaging narratives that broke away from traditional, text-heavy formats. These books not only entertained young readers but also introduced them to the principles of modern design, making high-quality design accessible and enjoyable for a younger audience, and is likely a big reason for the staying power of mid century modern design today!

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