How to Keep Your Head Up During Times of Business Adversity
May 04, 2020
You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages. – Michelle Obama
As the saying goes, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This applies in all parts of life—personal and business. When confronted with a financial crisis, internal conflicts, or even natural disasters, it’s hard to maintain calm and clarity.
Worry, doubt, and insecurity creep in wrecking havoc on how you handle these issues. So the question is, how do you stay positive, motivated, and inspired when faced with adversity as a business owner?
We looked back on some of the lessons we’ve taken away during our time as an agency. Reflecting on these simple reminders help guide us during those tough days when everything seems to go sideways.
Let’s start with our favorite.
Remember What is (and is Not) in Your Control
It would be wonderful if everything fell into place. For each day to begin and end seamlessly without any issues. Nice, right? Sadly, this isn’t the reality that we live in.
You’re dealing with so many variables that are beyond anyone’s control. From unreasonable customers to significant financial losses, you can only do so much to avoid certain situations.
And when it all feels like too much, it helps to take a moment to pause and breathe.
Taking this brief moment to gather your thoughts creates the space to begin chiseling at the parts of the problem within your power to change.
Remember to focus on what you can control and let go of what you cannot.
Accept (but Don’t Wallow in) Defeat
Sometimes costly mistakes happen that shake up your world in ways you never expected. There are times when you get knocked down by an insurmountable hurdle.
And each time this happens, you’ll need to get back up and keep going. If you genuinely believe in the business—your dream—then there’s little time to mourn what was or what could have been.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep the train moving.
Be Flexible and Willing to Shift Gears
Stagnation is one of the biggest death knells for a business. During times of struggle or adversity, you need to adapt. Don’t be afraid to explore new ways of conducting business.
Some of the most famous brands took risks when their competitors wouldn’t, leading to many of them shifting from obscurity to worldwide recognition.
But, understandably, everyone is not ready for massive shifts to their business model. If you struggle with letting go, then start small. Make one little change at a time so you can become comfortable with it.
Consider bringing in people who are forward-thinking and will nudge you towards new approaches. It might feel unnatural at first, especially if you’re used to doing things one way.
This Moment is Temporary
When you’re going through a rough time, it almost appears like everything slows down. The situation feels crushing. But in reality, is this really the case?
Chances are very high that you’ve dealt with worse. There was a time in your life when you may have faced something similar. And you know what? You survived.
Whether positive or negative, life tends to throw out experiences that compound and prepare you for the next one. Life is not one constant painful episode after another. It’s a prism with many facets, making up brief moments in time.
So when it seems like you can’t move past a catastrophic event, remember that the moment is temporary.
Things Will Work Out for the Best
There are moments when running a business when things go wrong. Very wrong. But there are also times when all goes smoothly. No matter which one we’re confronted with, we need to keep celebrating our wins and learning from the losses.
If you’re dealing with a tumultuous time right now in your business, we encourage you to not stay in that dark place for too long. You have to keep moving forward and remember what inspired you in the first place.