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How KEYLAY supports your business post-project

Experience Your Design

Experience Keylay

How KEYLAY supports your business post-project

Aug 06, 2024

Design projects, whether they’re complicated and large-scale, such as brand and website redesigns, or smaller one-offs, like direct mail pieces or business cards, involve a lot of interaction between client and agency.

For many of our clients, some assignments need more engagement even after they’re over. This post-project support ensures clients have what they need to use their designs effectively.

In the past, we’ve talked about what it’s like to work with an agency like ours during a project. Now, let’s show you how we take care of you after it’s done by answering a few common questions.

How long will I receive support after the project?

We offer 30 days of post-launch support for websites, where we’ll address any code or bug issues. Afterward, if you need additional help or want to make any changes to the site, we can create a separate support plan for you.

For other print or digital projects, the project is considered closed after we hand off the design files to you and your team. However, we offer ongoing assistance on a case-by-case basis.

What channels can I use to get help from your agency?

We’re just as easy to reach after the project as we were during it. You can reach out to our team via email or give us a call.

We’ll respond within 24 hours (usually less) during the week. However, if you contact us over the weekend, we’ll return your message ASAP on the next business day.

What kind of troubleshooting assistance will be available?

Our team sets up the final files for brochures, direct mail, physical packaging, and other printed designs based on your printer’s specifications. As part of the final delivery package, we give you the working files, a press-ready PDF, and a .jpg version of the final design(s).

That said, sometimes, you or your printer might require additional changes to the final files after receiving them. We’re happy to make those modifications so you can meet your printer’s new requirements. We would reopen your project and apply the necessary design hours to update the file.

Will your agency help me review the performance of my new design?

While we’re a design and branding agency, we are not a full-service marketing firm. Our team is full of creatives who design based on strategy, and we collaborate with outside resources, including your internal team, to measure the performance of your new design.
With this data, we’ll work together to identify areas of improvement and make changes accordingly.

Can I request minor changes after the project is finished?

Yes, but first, we have to define what constitutes a “minor change.” Then, we need to specify when that minor edit turns into a significant design change or redesign.

So, let’s look at two examples:

Example #1: We’ve just wrapped up a series of five email designs for a new product you’re planning to launch next week. After your team reviews them internally, they want to change an image used in one of the emails. You provide us with the photo you want to use, and we replace it in the email so your launch goes as planned.

Example #2: Sticking with the first example, you have another internal meeting, and you and your team have now decided to change the static header image in each email to show a custom sales offer and design. This is a bigger request that requires a unique design for the five emails and more design hours to hit the same launch date.

The first example is a minor change, while the second is more extensive and no longer counts as a small adjustment to the creative.

Our team provides minor changes, like fixing a typo on a business card or replacing a photo, as a courtesy post-project service. However, larger requests that fall outside of the original scope would require creating a new project.

Will I get training or guidance on how to use the new design?

Yes! For more intricate designs, like websites and brand identities, we use tools like Loom to walk through the creative and ensure you know how to use it at the end of the project.

How can I ensure my design stays up-to-date and effective?

Many of our clients are long-term. We work with them to keep their brands consistent and create new campaigns that build on what they already have. Because we believe in partnering with our clients, we’re invested in their success, so any enhancements made to their designs keep their creative fresh so it continues to be effective now and long into the future.

Giving you the support you want

The relationship between your business and our agency doesn’t end once you give us final approval on the design. We’re here to help you before, during, and after a project.

Our creative team is here for as long as you need us, so your design does the work it’s meant to do. From troubleshooting bugs to making minor changes to a design, we always encourage you to contact us if you have any questions post-project.


