Hidden Details in Everyday Logos
Mar 06, 2020
Graphic designers love putting layers of meaning into their work! This infographic has some that are common knowledge, like the smile in Amazon’s logo, and the arrow hidden in Fedex’s. but some might surprise you, even though you’ve seen these brand marks almost every day! Which of these hidden meanings did you already know about?
Read More >>Graphic Design to Fight Coronavirus
Mar 04, 2020
Coronoavirus: yes, it’s on everyone’s mind currently. Companies are cancelling major tradeshows and suspending their employees’ travel, so it can be hard not to get scared. The World Health Organization here with the biggest prevention method you can use to keep yourself healthy: washing your hands. And it just so happens to be shown with some illustrations. Graphic design isn’t just about selling things to people, or making deliverables “look pretty”, it’s a crucial form of visual communication that can make important information much more clear.
Read More >>How Creative Risk-taking Makes Brands Stronger
Mar 02, 2020
When running a small business, there’s the inclination to play it safe. There’s too much at stake to rock the boat, right? Here’s the thing. There is such a thing as getting in your own way.
A bit of caution is okay. Of course, you want to take the time to review purchases, investments, and hires. These can have long-term effects on the business. But in the case of exploring different ways to market your business,
Read More >>Brexit Brings Design Change to Britain
Feb 28, 2020
Yes, we know you’re tired of hearing about Brexit, but here’s just one more item, and it’s graphic design related! Now that Britain is no longer part of the European Union, they have redesigned the cover of their passports to reflect the change. EU member states have burgundy passport covers, so to reflect the change, they’re going with classic blue and gold. The new passports roll out for British citizens in March.
Read More >>365 Days of Minimalist Movies
Feb 26, 2020
Graphic designer Pete Majarich had an ambitious goal: to design one minimalist movie poster every day…for an entire year! With a mix of more current blockbusters and some older classics, he dissected and distilled the films down to their essential cores, and we must say that we’re big fans of the results! We especially love that not all of the posters are in the same graphic design style, he shows a wide depth of skill that we wholeheartedly applaud!
Read More >>Cook Up Some Custom Emoji
Feb 21, 2020
Have you ever envisioned the perfect emoji, only to scroll through your options and see that it doesn’t exist? Google is on the case: they’ve launched Emoji Kitchen, which allows you to mix and match and scramble your favorite emojis to make the most nuanced one yet! While this idea is unfortunately only for Android users currently, we’re still going to cross our fingers that it comes to iPhone!