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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Why the Giving Kitchen Was ‘Designed’ for These Times

Mar 20, 2020

Businesses and non-profits are often created to fill a void, to provide some good or service to people that they weren’t previously getting. And then, through circumstances out of anyone’s control, a moment arrives when that business or non-profit is needed most.

The Giving Kitchen is at that moment.

The Atlanta-based non-profit provides relief to food and beverage industry workers in crisis. And with the coronavirus pandemic upon us and orders by government officials to limit public gatherings to as little as 10 people,


Marilyn Monroe Today

Mar 20, 2020

Ever wonder what famous people of times past would have looked like if they were alive today, with our standards of beauty and fashion? Well, wonder no more: the Photoshop Surgeon takes iconic bombshell Marilyn Monroe, and edits her to fit today’s rather unattainable beauty standards. So the next time you feel bad about not looking like people that you see on the internet or in movies, just remember, even Marilyn would’t have made the cut!


Take a Trip Around the (Art) World

Mar 18, 2020

Are you self isolating and feeling, well, isolated? Thrillist has compiled some world-class museum tours, that can all be be perused from your couch! These virtual tours can bring you to famous masterpieces from the comfort of your own home. Jus because staying at home can be a bore doesn’t mean you have to miss out on culture and arts from around the world!



Tiny Doors ATL Makes Huge Design Statement

Mar 16, 2020

Great design is all in the details, no matter if it’s on something as small as a tube of ChapStick or on something as large as a billboard.

Design can have a major impact on people, no matter the size. That’s why we love Tiny Doors ATL.

This Atlanta-based art project started in 2014 when a seven-inch-tall door popped up at the bottom of a pillar in the Krog Street Tunnel in the neighborhood of Cabbagetown.


Gmail + Creative Cloud = A Match Made in Design Heaven

Mar 13, 2020

We are SO excited about this! Adobe has created a Gmail add-on for Adobe users to seamlessly share work over Gmail. It links your Gmail account with your Creative Cloud, and allows you to browse through your work and easily attach it. Best part: it shows previews of native files! No more guessing which “” you really meant to send, the preview and seamless integration makes it a breeze for graphic designers.


Celebrating Women and Design All at Once

Mar 11, 2020

Last Sunday was International Women’s Day, as well as #FontSunday on  Twitter. So some graphic designers and general design enthusiasts on Twitter started an amazing discussion about their favorite fonts on the covers of books written by women! Which one is your favorite? Is there any triumph of graphic design that you’re amazed didn’t make the list?


