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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Top 3 Tips for Increasing Traffic From Potentially New Customers to Your Website

Apr 03, 2020

It’s not enough to slap together any old website for your business and call it a day. In order to be an asset to your brand, your website needs regular traffic — and lots of it. If you want to drive more traffic to your website, employ these tips to attract new potential clients.

Have a Consistent Brand Identity

Having a consistent brand identity creates a loyal customer base.


Becoming Art

Apr 03, 2020

The Getty Museum is doing some great work to keep everyone’s creative juices flowing! They’ve challenged their social media followers to recreate artwork…in their own homes. The LA-based museum may be closed to the public, but right now, you can be the work of art they showcase next. We have a few ideas, and we don’t think the dogs are going tolike them…


Some Good News

Apr 01, 2020

…we could all use a little bit of that right about now, huh? And delivered to us over video by Jim Halpert himself?! John Krasinski has launched a YouTube channel, aptly titled Some Good News, to highlight good things that are happening in the world during this crazy time. Featuring a bonus interview with Steve Carrell, these videos are charming and uplifting a great way to inject some positivity into your day!


3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Generate Leads During a Time of Crisis

Mar 31, 2020

Businesses around the world are facing a new challenge, and it’s one no one would have expected—a pandemic. Right now, we’re all trying to figure out how to stay safe from Covid-19 and stay productive.

Small businesses, contractors, and freelancers are especially vulnerable during this time. To practice social distancing and mitigate the impact of this situation, many companies have canceled events, furloughed workers, and laid-off employees.

When clients and customers can no longer conduct business as usual,


CanceledCon 2020

Mar 27, 2020

Did you have a design or technology conference you were looking forward to attending? Was this finally your year to make it to Adobe Summit or CXL or anything on that magnitude? Sorry, those events went online only, and many ended up canceled completely. Enter, CanceledCon: a free online design event featuring industry thought leaders, this is a TRULY can’t miss opportunity to hear speakers you’d normally see strutting the keynote stage after you bought a ticket for hundreds,


Logo Distancing

Mar 25, 2020

Social distancing: we all learned what that term meant very quickly. It has become part of our daily lives almost overnight, so a Slovenian graphic designer, Ture Toverljan, reimagined some world-famous logos for the social distancing era. While his designs are mostly cheeky thought experiments, some brands really have made changes to emphasize the important of maintaining social distancing: Coca-Cola widened the distance between their letters, and Nike repurposed some of their iconic copy to urge people to stay indoors and stop the spread.


