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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

The Sounds of (Office) Silence

Apr 17, 2020

Do you miss the office? The employees of Kids Creative Agency sure did, so they came up with a solution: office noises to make your home feel more like work! And it’s packaged in a beautiful presentation, to boot. You can set the number of colleagues you’re used to working with and turn on select noises to create the most personalized office soundtrack for you.


Design + Out of the Box Thinking = A Winning Combo

Apr 15, 2020

There’s more to creative problem solving than design! While graphic design can carry your idea over the finish line, the foundation should be creative as well. Fast Company has some great examples of how companies are adapting creatively to the new reality of the pandemic. These 5 ideas and great examples of them in practice are a great guideline for anyone looking to adapt!


Creative Challenges for Quarantine

Apr 10, 2020

Having trouble feeling creative during quarantine? Want to keep your skills sharp when your client demands aren’t quite as high? Make It Pop is here with a random creative prompt generator to save the day! The results can run the gamut from the ridiculous to the very NSFW, but they’re all hilarious and will get your brain working and your creative juices flowing.


Stay Inside…or Risk Seeing Spoilers!

Apr 08, 2020

This clever idea from the graphic design collective Brave in Hamburg, Germany, puts real consequences on breaking social distancing rules: spoilers for your favorite Netflix shows. While the campaign is just a concept, the idea is very clever! We love seeing graphic design used for good. What quarantine favorite show would you most hate to see spoiled?


The Million Dollar Question: Rebrand, Co-brand or No Ma’am?

Apr 06, 2020

To paraphrase Shakespeare, “to rebrand, co-brand or leave your brand alone — that is the question.”

Brands are not static. They evolve over time. And some of the most successful companies rebrand. Some companies that have recently done so include Uber, Dunkin’ Donuts (now simply called Dunkin’), Slack, Mailchimp and Dropbox.

Ever heard of them?

We’ve shepherded countless rebrands for our clients at KEYLAY over the years,


7 Reasons Why Visitors Aren’t Staying on Your Start-up’s Site

Apr 06, 2020

So you’ve launched your start-up. Congratulations! You’ve done all your research, put together a business plan, secured funding, and are ready to make your business a success.

But great businesses require a solid website design. And we have seen many strong start-ups hindered by poor web design (and many a not-so-solid start-up made exponentially better with impressive web design).

Above all, you want to make sure your website offers value to the visitor.


