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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

How Graphic Designers are Creating the Signs of Our Times

May 04, 2020

In a brand-new world turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic, people are putting their skills to use in the best way they know how. And that includes graphic designers.

Two such projects in metro Atlanta caught our eye recently. We’re always looking for an excuse to tell you about the city we love, and we also love how these projects are honoring our modern-day heroes and giving hope to an anxious world.


How to Keep Your Head Up During Times of Business Adversity

May 04, 2020

You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages.Michelle Obama

As the saying goes, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This applies in all parts of life—personal and business. When confronted with a financial crisis, internal conflicts, or even natural disasters, it’s hard to maintain calm and clarity.


Dispatches from Vogue

May 01, 2020

Self quarantine is a different experience for everyone. To showcase how people have been coping with lockdowns, Vogue magazine commissioned designers, photographers, celebrities, artists, editors, and models to share what their at-home lives have been like through “postcards from home”, and these exceptionally creative people have delivered! What would your postcard from home look like?


Don’t Let This Website Self Destruct!

Apr 29, 2020

“Hi, I’m a website. I’ll be gone soon, and that’s okay. . . . If I go 24 hours without receiving a message, I’ll permanently self-destruct.”…these are the first words you’ll read when you go to Designed by artist Femme Android, this quirky website does exactly what it says it will: it needs to be fed messages or it will erase itself and its database and any evidence that it ever existed.


Keep Calm and Carry On

Apr 24, 2020

You’ve seen this iconic graphic design piece: the red background with the strong white text capped by a crown, that reads “Keep Calm and Cary On.” But do you know the origin? Part of a World War 2 effort to raise morale across the UK, what made this design so lasting that it’s still used and referenced today? This article explores the fascinating route this wartime piece of graphic design was resurrected and became part of the mainstream.


Hubble on your Birthday

Apr 22, 2020

We may all be stuck inside for now, but NASA has debuted a new website that lets you expand your horizons, even if only for a little bit. This new NASA tool lets you see the photograph the Hubble Space Telescope took on your birthday! Each image comes with an explanatory caption that lets you know more context about what you’re looking at. We love this beautiful tool and how it can help us feel peaceful in these crazy times.


