The Design World Bids Farewell to Milton Glaser
Jul 01, 2020
This week, the world of graphic design said goodbye to one of the greats: Milton Glaser. The famous designer’s work was known throughout the world. Think you don’t know who he is? Well, if you can picture the “I <3 NY” logo, you have seen the work of Milton Glaser. Apparently, he was working up until the very end, and had been struck by creativity during the Covid19 lockdowns in New York. This graphical treatment of the word “Together”
Read More >>Adobe Updates Pack a Lot of Punch
Jun 26, 2020
If you’re a graphic designer, you can’t help but notice the familiar Adobe CC icons on your dock updated last week. We’re not even going to start on the redesigned icons, but we are really excited about the new features this update brings! We must say, the new “Select Subject” tool in Photoshop looks like a game changer,, and we can’t wait to try it out!
Read More >>Far Out Photography
Jun 24, 2020
Going to space sounds pretty good after 3+ months of a pandemic lockdown, doesn’t it? Graphic designers are lucky enough to have at their disposal stunning images published by NASA because their photographers give away their work to be public domain. To bring recognition to these talented photographers, the space agency launched its own ‘Photographer of the Year’ contest back in 2018 to welcome “friendly competition, bragging rights, and acknowledgement for being so crucial to NASA’s mission.” So this being 2020,
Read More >>Creatives Combat Social Injustice
Jun 19, 2020
The world came together to raise funds for those affected during the coronavirus pandemic. Now, the social injustice protests have also propelled many to get involved to help make a positive change in the world. Creative professionals have now joined the mix, with a variety of new projects that aid charities and fundraisers. Check out some of these altruistic design projects:
Freelance Services from Joel Clement
Read More >>“Something very important is happening all over the world and it is happening to all of us.”
Jun 17, 2020
If you’ve ever seen OutKast live, or even just a video of a live performance, Andre 3000’s black jumpsuits with stark questions and phrases to society will be familiar to you. To support the Black Lives Matter movement, the iconic rapper has released a collection of t-shirts bearing some of these phrases, that have particular poignancy in this time. Thirteen designs have been released, and the proceeds from the sales over the first 3 days were donated to the Movement for Black Lives.
Read More >>2020 Brings Changes for Design
Jun 12, 2020
There’s no denying it, this is a time of great change for our country, and the world. Designer Bill Gardner reflects on how changes and crises can affect how design is expressed to best communicate with viewers. A logo, brand, or design can seem tone deaf or fall on flat ears if the considerations of the day aren’t taken into effect. We think 2020 has enough going on to inform design for a long time to come.