The Beauty in the Details
Aug 05, 2020
IKEA: known for flat packed, affordable furniture, giant blue buildings, and of course: Swedish meatballs. IKEA recently released a plant-based version of the popular furniture shoppers’ snack, and they wanted to show what all went into these meaty, meatless nuggets. Where most companies would release at most an infographic, the Swedish retailer tapped into their creative side and brought a little bit more design and pizzazz into it and made this beautiful, 3D rendered video showing all of the ingredients in the “meat”balls.
Read More >>People Unsubscribing from Your Emails? Here’s How to Prevent it.
Aug 05, 2020
Email marketing is a powerful tool for any online or offline business. But what makes people sign up for them in the first place?
It’s usually as simple as people wanting to get more information about your offerings. New subscribers may wish to stay up-to-date with your brand, enjoy reading your content, or get in on those sweet discounts.
But when you experience a drop off in email open rates or even worse,
Read More >>New Amazon Packaging Comes with Bonus Creative Freedom
Jul 31, 2020
If you’re anything like us, being stuck at home has made you even more reliant on getting things shipped to you rather than venturing out to get them yourself. And of course, one of the biggest and most convenient places to order from is Amazon. Well, now they’ve upped the ante a little bit, and not only will you get your order, but now the boxes can be repurposed into a condo, fort, rocket and more for your pet!
Read More >>Perseverance Blasting Off!
Jul 29, 2020
Tomorrow, NASA is launching the mission we’ve all been waiting for: its 5th Mars rover, named Perseverance, with the mission to search for extraterrestrial life on Mars! Ok ok, no little green men, more along the lines of microbial remnants of living organisms from thousands and millions of years ago, but still. The best part: this little rover comes with its own very cute trailer! “Samples from Mars have the potential to profoundly change our understanding of the origin,
Read More >>Gucci’s Home-grown Models
Jul 24, 2020
What do you do when a global, unforeseen pandemic nixes any shot at having a runway show for your latest season’s fashions? Well, if you’re Gucci, you have the designers of the clothes themselves be your models! You don’t think much about who is behind your favorite, drool-worthy runway styles, but Gucci has brought these unsung designers to the forefront. We think this is a really cool way to showcase your clothes AND your in-house talent,
Read More >>Toyota Updates with a Sleek New Look
Jul 22, 2020
Even in times like these, design marches on! And Toyota is the newest brand to get with the sleek, 2D logo overhaul, and leave the 3D logos back in the past where they belong. The logo isn’t the only thing that got a facelift: there’s a new color palette and custom typeface to accompany, which seem to be big in rebrands these days. There’s no doubt that this new look is sleeker, more versatile, and more easily used digitally,