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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

What is the state of web strategy in 2020?

Sep 08, 2020

At the end of 2019, Hubspot surveyed over 3000 marketers about what their web strategy plans were for 2020. Well, a lot’s happened since then, with a widespread pandemic and economic crisis affecting the entire global market. And it’s changed a lot of plans.

But one thing is certain. The businesses that survive this moment will be the ones who were able to pivot their online strategies and tactics while remaining empathetic and mindful of their customer’s needs.


Halloween Gets A Little More Inclusive

Sep 04, 2020

In an amazing show of inclusivity, Disney has released a new line of Halloween costumes that accommodate people with different disabilities. While Halloween is unlikely to be the big to-do this year like it usually is, these costumes can get anyone excited, whether they’re in a wheelchair or have a feeding tube! Disney is going the extra mile to make sure everyone feels included, and it’s a touching move. It makes no difference who you are to Disney,


Cereal Branding: An Evolution

Sep 02, 2020

Did you spend your childhood breakfast time reading the back of cereal boxes? I think we all did! Cereal is a comfort food from our childhood that  many of us have personal attachments to, and sometimes, it’s an attachment to their packaging design more so than the contents! These chipboard boxes have been redesigned over the years, and your Tony the Tiger is not the same Tony who was launched when Frosted Flakes hit the market!


Can You Spot the Fakes?

Aug 28, 2020

I think we’re all pretty tired of hearing the term “fake news”, but it is important to know, especially in an election year, whether or not your eyes are deceiving you. They’ve said it for years, but they were right: don’t believe everything you see on the internet. You may think you’ve got a well-trained eye that can pick up on the minute details that reveal false information, but you may be surprised.


Design of the Times

Aug 26, 2020

Graphic design can be such an impactful visual cue! If you’re making a movie that takes place in the 80s, you aren’t going to use dull colors, and you better not forget the neon. The new logo to commemorate 80 years of Wonder Woman in 2021 has been unveiled, and what does that have to do with the 80s? Well, it also harkens to the new Wonder Woman 1984 movie, due out soon. The logo is beautiful and commemorative,


It’s Time for Adobe MAX!

Aug 21, 2020

A little bit ago, we shared the exciting news that this year, in light of the pandemic, Adobe MAX, the flagship annual design conference, would be free and virtual this year. Well, registration is now open! We wouldn’t want you to let the registration window pass you by. The free conference doesn’t seem to mean any lapse in quality content: speakers this year include Ava DuVernay, Annie Leibovitz, Keanu Reeves, Tyler the Creator, and more. There are over 350 sessions you can access for free!


