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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Adobe Origins

Oct 14, 2020

Adobe is a household word these days, a giant software company that makes everything from analytics software, to the industry standard graphic design programs we use every day, like Illustrator, Indesign, and Xd. But do you know the whole story behind the company’s origins? How did it get its name, and who designed the original logo, that is now so recognizable? PetaPixel breaks it down, and it’s really fascinating! They’ve influenced not just our design industry,


The Covid Era’s Impact on Design

Oct 09, 2020

It may be a new reality, but Covid-19 has been making its mark on the world, even the world of graphic design. In more Apple news, the mask-wearing moji has now been redesigned to be friendlier. We’ve all heard about “smiling with our eyes” so that the nuances of facial expressions aren’t lost while half of our faces are covered, and now Apple has made that a reality, at least in our texts! These small but subtle changes in our world ar a fascinating look at the post-Covid world.


iPhone 12 Makes an AR Splash

Oct 07, 2020

Ok, from now on, we want every invite we ever get to be in AR! Apple has announced the drop date for the much-anticipated iPhone 12: October 13. And to get the word out, they’ve got the coolest AR invitation. The orange orb shows up on your Apple device, when you unwrap it, you see the date “10/13”, and then the fun begins. You can manipulate the AR graphics in your space, using a lot of familiar movements to Apple users: pinching,


Breaking Down the Anatomy of a Great Landing Page

Oct 05, 2020

As part of your marketing strategy, you’ve decided to pump up your lead generation campaign. To do this, you know you’ll need to create a great landing page for your website. Or depending on your strategy, it may also make sense to create a standalone landing page.

But it isn’t enough to put up a page and call it a day.

The sole purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors.


Time to Predict 2021…In Design

Oct 02, 2020

Thankfully, not a moment too soon, we’re coming to the end of 2020. And you know what that means: time to look ahead and see what the world of graphic design has in store for 2021! The uncertainty of this year has definitely played a part in the forecasted changes for the next iteration of design. Flat icons and design seem poised to make a comeback as well, likely due to our stress and desire to have the world be a little less complicated.


Nike Redefines “Presentation”

Sep 30, 2020

Sometimes, making presentations can feel a little bit repetitive for graphic designers. Just when you think you’ve pushed the creativity envelope as far as it can go…someone swoops in and shows you up. Introducing the amazing new interactive hub for Nike…and it’s all built in Google Slides. This interactive world isn’t some new flashy website, it’s made from the same software you make your quarterly reports in. Now THAT’S creativity!


