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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Fix Your Rough Scribbles with Google AutoDraw

Mar 03, 2021

Ok, now THIS is cool! As graphic designers, sometimes we want just the right icon, but have trouble finding just the right one. Well, Google is here to save the day with another of their AI experiments. This one is called AutoDraw, and it’s pretty incredible. Do your best attempt at drawing your perfect icon, and the AI will fix it for you and leave you with exactly what you were looking for! It works n phone,


The 3 Product Marketing Trends Needed to Improve Your Customer’s Experience

Feb 28, 2021

Anyone from business owners to marketers and sales teams understands that B2B buyers want—and expect—more. Better products. Better service. And, of course, a better product marketing strategy.

Today, this group skews younger than in previous years, and they have high expectations for brands before they make a purchase.

We like to pay attention to trends that can improve our client’s relationships with their customers.

As businesses continue the uphill climb towards meeting buyers’


Have a Break…and a Kit Kat

Feb 24, 2021

Sometimes a graphic design concept is right in front of your nose! literally…right in front of your nose, every single day. Designer Sam Hennig saw an opportunity in his calendar, of all places. His design insets Kit Kat bars in your computer calendar, in both a creative graphic idea AND a reminder to take a break in your day. The coolest part? Sam did this as a personal project, but Kit Kat picked it up and tweeted it out!


Paper Bottles Signal Greener Future for Packaging

Feb 19, 2021

Coca-Cola is launching its first-ever paper bottle prototype! The trial will take place in Hungary in mid-2021, and is a pioneering step for the beverage giant that could eventually lead to a reduction in plastic waste. The bottle consists of a paper shell with a recyclable plastic lining. The cap, while still plastic, is made from 100-percent recycled PET. Ultimately, the company’s goal is to produce a bottle that can be recycled as easily as paper.


McDonald’s Has a New Look in 2021

Feb 17, 2021

Sleek. Simple. Streamlined. What are these words describing? Why, it’s the new McDonald’s food packaging! Got you, didn’t we? The Yellow Arches have updated their food packaging to be more modern, playful, and simple. Gone is the bold red and yellow design that we’re most familiar with, here to stay are muted colors and simple graphics. The biggest bonus is one you wouldn’t even think of: aside from new and beautiful graphic design, these new wrappers,


4 Golden Rules for Creating Social Media Graphics

Feb 13, 2021

Any business with a social presence is fighting to stop people in mid-scroll so they can pay attention to their message.

As visual creatures, we’re hard-wired to respond to imagery in nature that piques our curiosity and catches our attention.

And it works the same way with social media. We respond to posts with interesting content.

So how can you improve your chances of interrupting the scroll cycle?

These are some of the best practices any business can use to create social media graphics that get people to take notice.


