Font History 101
Jul 28, 2021
It’s a fact: all graphic designers have a favorite typeface, we just can’t help but have that favorite child we go to time and time again. Designers are weird like that, we get attached to things like fonts! But in our attachment, have we ever stopped and wondered how these types got their names? We sure haven’t, so this guide from r/coolguides on Reddit was a fascinating trip down typeface history. Even Comic Sans gets a mention!
Read More >>Happy Olympic Week!
Jul 23, 2021
The 2020 Olympics kick off in Tokyo this week! Yes, in 2021…but I’m sure everyone understands why. Today, the uniforms for the flame bearers were unveiled today, and besides just looking cool, they’re also made entirely from recycled plastic bottles! Designer Daisuke Obana worked with Coca-Cola to source the material for the uniforms, and who knows plastic bottles better than Coke. Tokyo has committed to making this Olympic games be th emost sustainable yet, and this is a great step forward to achieving their goal.
Read More >>Hey, That’s Home!
Jul 21, 2021
Have you watched Loki on Disney+ yet? In addition to the amazing production design that somehow perfectly mixes midcentury and the 70s and all the brown tones that entails, the building that stands in for the TVA is an Atlanta landmark, the Marriott Marquis! In fact, it’s just down the street from KEYLAY headquarters. Completed in 1985, the Marquis is a crown jewel in John Portman’s portfolio. At the time of completion it had the largest atrium in the world.
Read More >>London has a Floating Ice Cream Truck for One Day Only!
Jul 16, 2021
London residents get a cool treat today, courtesy of Virgin Atlantic: free ice cream on the south bank of the Thames! Oh yea…and the ice cream truck is floating! Well ok, it’s not REALLY floating, but it sure looks like it is. The illusion is held up by the 15 foot ladder that interested snackers must climb to claim their ice cream. To keep with the red brand, you can have your ice cream adorned with a variety of red toppings,
Read More >>The Clorox Company Undergoes a Big Update!
Jul 14, 2021
In recent memory, Clorox represents the cleaning wipes that every store sold out of in 2020 during the pandemic. The Clorox Company realized this, and decided to make some graphic design changes to make their parent company branding be so much more than “cleaning wipes”. The company also owns Burt’s Bees and Glad food wrap, among many others, and made the conscious decision to not look so much like a cleaning product and encompass all the subsidiary brands.
Read More >>Cannes Grand Prix Advertisement Winners!
Jul 09, 2021
Coming in at a close second after the Super Bowl, the other big event for clever advertisements is the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity! The results are in, and the winners for the most clever and compelling advertisements are here! There are a few big names you’ll be familiar with, but some overseas contenders have very clever visuals and concepts too. The most impressive part may have been having to shift to coordinating these campaigns remotely due to the COVID pandemic,