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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Odd Apples

Aug 25, 2021

Red Delicious, Fuji, Jazz…these are all familiar and common names we’re all well acquainted with for the common varieties of apples we can grab at the store. But have you ever heard of a Sheep’s Nose or a Knobbed Russet? You’re not alone, we hadn’t either, but photographer William Mullen has been on a quest to find the most obscure apples, and then photograph them to share with the world. turns out, there are over 7000 varieties out there,


Photoshop Is At It Again

Aug 20, 2021

Adobe never ceases to amaze with that they can make their creative tools do. This Photoshop update is absolutely no exception. Long a staple of graphics designers and creatives in general, the team at Adobe is very invested in making Photoshop more than just a photo editing tool. The “Transform Warp” tool being introduced in this update has us VERY excited! Making designs fit on packaging mock ups can be one of the most frustrating parts of the job,


LEGO with Horsepower!

Aug 18, 2021

We love LEGO! The freedom to create whatever you want, but also the option to follow instructions and make a detailed recreation of…well, almost anything, makes them such a great tool to foster creativity, for kids and adults alike. This build, however, might be beyond the skills of the causal builder. Toyota commissioned a life size model of the Toyota Supra made out of 477,303 plastic bricks. If that isn’t impressive enough…the car actually runs! Well…it only goes a maximum of 17 MPH,


3 Things You Need to Do for Your Branding to Succeed

Aug 17, 2021

If you’re in the early phases of your business, you’ve probably been spending much of your time perfecting and developing your product or services. But even though that work is essential, it can still flop if you don’t figure out how to make that product visible. Spend enough time thinking about your brand and your company goals to ensure you can develop a successful message.


Establish What Your Brand Means

When you’re building your brand,


How to Get Customers to Think of Your Brand as Innovative

Aug 14, 2021

You’ve probably noticed quite a few businesses proclaiming their innovative products and capabilities. But in a world where everyone has a page, a platform, and an opinion to go with it, how do you prove that your own business is truly making big changes?

Breaking through the cacophony of noise means being unique and unafraid. It’s showing customers your company is observant and adaptive to new trends.

And as you continue to innovate,


Adobe Acrobat Gives Your Brain a Break

Aug 13, 2021

Adobe has created a PDF activity book called Scroll This! to showcase everything Acrobat is capable of. Created to give people a mental break at work, the activity book features a cross, a maze, and other classic activity book options. No need to know the ins and outs of all of their software, this was designed for the general public, so you can give your designer brain a rest. Also, apparently we could be more creative when we use the form options in Acrobat,


