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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Branding and Packaging Design: A Perfect Partnership

Jan 26, 2022

Coke packaging is back with a really elegant design solution! In the next month, the Coca-Cola company will be rolling out new packaging on some of its flavored sodas, with the intention of making exactly what you’re buying more clear. For example, Cherry Coke now has a Magenta packaging. White logo for regular, and black logo for sugar free, harkening to Coke Zero. Using colors for only one purpose for each is a really simple and clean way to make sure everything is consistent across their packaging,


Why is Branding Important for Your Business?

Jan 25, 2022

What would you say if someone asked you to define ‘branding’ right now? It’s okay if you don’t have an answer. But if you ask us, we would say that it’s more than the visual elements that people typically associate with it, logos, taglines, and color palettes.

It’s the connection and relatability people have with it.

Think about it. When someone mentions a specific brand name, a particular image or feeling may spring to mind.


Gradients for Any Budget

Jan 21, 2022

Freebie alert! If you need something to bump up your digital design, this gallery of 48 designer-curated gradients may be just the thing! Sometimes color coordination can be a hassle, so these gradients have you covered with a lot of options to give your design the dimension it might be lacking. Best part: they are totally and completely free to use in your work!


The People Behind the Clay

Jan 19, 2022

Y’all know we love a good rebrand! Aardman’s rebrand goes a lot further than just changing colors and typefaces, this rebrand has layers and we are loving it. While the name alone may not jump out at you, you’re no doubt familiar with Aardman animation studios: they brought us the classic Wallace & Gromit claymation cartoons! This rebrand puts a lot of their iconic characters front and center…as well as a specific nod to the people behind the scenes doing the tough work of animation.


Leave Graphic Design to the Professionals!

Jan 14, 2022

This week’s theme is Design Fails in State Government! Next up: this seal for St Francois County, Missouri. It’s a doozy. We will cut the county employee who made this masterpiece a little bit of slack, as he’s 74 years old and they only had 2 days to make the art, but if this isn’t a great example of why you should hire a professional graphic designer, we don’t know what is. The most amazing part of this: this seal was designed in 2018,


A Proofing Cautionary Tale

Jan 12, 2022

If t his isn’t a great lesson in why you should always have your client involved int he proofing process of graphic design, we don’t know what is! The state of Ohio redesigned their license plate (which is a whole either thing to critique), but a crucial element was incorrect, and made it al the way through the design process to production before it was caught. Can you see the error before we tell you? 


