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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

How to Update Existing Templates When Your Brand Colors Change

May 26, 2022

When you update your brand’s colors, they’ll also need to change across your existing files. We’re here to give you some of our best practices for updating the colors across the most common design tools, so your brand stays consistent online and off.

Changing color palettes

To avoid drastic color shifts when printing documents, you’ll need to ensure that your color palettes and profiles for your existing templates are up-to-date.

As you begin to update your document’s color palette,


Pride in London!

May 25, 2022

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the largest LGBTQ+ event in England, Pride in London, and British Royal Mint is here to celebrate! For the occasion, they’ve announced a commemorative 50 pence coin that is rainbow, of course, but also thoughtfully and beautifully designed. Designed by tattoo artist and activist Dominique Holmes, the coin features rainbow arches marked with the words “protest,” “visibility,” “unity” and “equality” that all surround the word “pride.” 


Van Gogh, Elevated

May 20, 2022

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most famous examples of art not being recognized as a masterpiece until after the artist’s death. LEGO is helping the Van Gogh appreciation reach another level with their newest set, Starry Night. Created in collaboration with MoMA, where Starry Night has lived since 1935, this set was crafted by LEGO enthusiast Treuman Cheng, and selected to be manufactured after the prototype swept the internet and left fans amazed. At 2,316 pieces,


Some Fine Print You’ll Actually Love

May 18, 2022

None of us ever read the fine print we agree to when signing up for accounts on the internet. You can say you do, but you are not telling the truth, we all just blindly hit “accept” so we can get to the good stuff. However, that fine print holds a lot of important information about the privacy of your data on whatever platform, plus some lawyer spent a lot of time writing it, so we SHOULD be more familiar.


How People Experience the World’s Most Famous Brands Today

May 14, 2022

Look around you right now. The computer you’re looking at this article on, and the snack you’re about to pop into your mouth were likely made by name-brand companies with a long history behind them.

Long before they appeared in stores or streamed into our homes, the companies below wanted to solve a problem, delight, and in some cases, entertain. Let’s look at their history and how people experience these brands today.


IKEA has furnished homes around the world for decades.


Posterdle: Wordle for Movie Posters

May 13, 2022

You’ve played Wordle, but now check out Posterdle! This version puts a twist on the guessing game: it’s a movie poster instead of a word, and like the original, you have 6 guesses to nail the daily puzzle. And just like the original, if you get hooked and one puzzle a day just isn’t enough, you can play the archive as well. We’re hoping that being designers will give us a leg up on this daily challenge!


