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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

The Stolen Art Gallery

Jul 15, 2022

This is so cool! This VR gallery showcases only one type of art: the stolen kind. The Stolen Art Gallery is a virtual art gallery that showcases art that no one has been able to see in person for a long time. Including work from Caravaggio, Van Gogh, and Manet, the gallery is viewable from any iPhone or Android device, although the creators say the best experience is through a Meta Quest VR headset. While nothing beats the real thing,


“Insure Your Happiness” Campaign Highlights the Benefits of Pets

Jul 13, 2022

At KEYLAY Design, we love our pets, and we love graphic design, so this campaign is really tugging on our heartstrings. The campaign, by London agency Uncommon, shows us closeups of our furry friends and what they do for us. Pet ownership is scientifically proven to reduce stress and benefit mental health, so this campaign urges pet owners to get pet insurance for their little furry therapists. The campaign is simple, just a photograph and a quick descriptor,


What Do Your Favorite Album Covers Say About You?

Jul 08, 2022

Album art is a pretty common way people become interested in being graphic designers. Art Director for Atlantic Records, Nick Fulcher, shares his 10 favorites, and explains how they influence his design eye. His selections run the gamut, from photography to collage to hand drawn, and the insight into how they lead to his creative evolution is fascinating. What are your favorite album covers?


Design Backgrounds Shine in Isolation

Jul 06, 2022

The lockdowns early on in the COVID pandemic were a strange time, and people experienced them differently. Many people picked up crafts to handle the long hours of fear, isolation, and boredom. Jessica Gunter noticed an interesting theme in late 2020, when she started enticing that the crafts produced by architects during isolation were a level of sophistication and craftsmanship above most. So, she started Gubns, a store that specializes in selling handcrafts by architects…pretty niche,


3 Reasons Why Some Businesses Don’t Believe in Inbound Marketing

Jul 03, 2022

As of 2022, almost 30% of business is conducted online, a 5.2% increase over the past five years. This trend will likely continue to tick upward, especially as B2B companies move their services and products online.

Inbound marketing for these businesses will be a big focus since websites and social media channels serve as the most significant drivers of brand awareness. Even though inbound marketing can yield big results,


Stranger Things Moments to Die For

Jul 01, 2022

Are you all caught up on Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1?! (That’s a mouthful…) If not, you better hurry up, a lot has been going on in Hawkins and Part 2 drops today. Netflix has always been really clever about how they promote the show, and this one is a gorgeous walk down 80s design nostalgia. The 80s undoubtedly has one of the most iconic and recognizable design signatures, and Netflix has really leaned on it to promote the show.


