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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

A Logo Fit for a King

Sep 28, 2022

It was hard to miss, but the UK has a new monarch, King Charles III. And the first thing every newly-minted king needs is a logo! It combines his initial C with R, which is Latin for “Rex” and means king, and III, because he is the third of that name to wear the crown. We discussed it in an earlier post, but Great Britain has a lot of visual touchstones of their monarch, and there is a flurry of reesigns happening,


Bioplastics Help Your Vintage Music Habit Be Less Wasteful

Sep 23, 2022

Vinyl records are back in style in a big way, but did you know their production is incredibly harmful to the environment? Traditionally, they’re made from PVC (that “V” is where the vinyl name comes in), which isn’t ever going to win any awards for being a green material. Evolution Music took 4 years to experiment and find the best alternative and green plastic to make records with, and now they’ve landed on it. It looks,


The Emoticon is 40!

Sep 21, 2022

Can you believe it?! First, that we are actually younger the emoji, which is great because it’s hard to not feel old every time you turn around today. But secondly, it’s incredible that the first emoji, your basic “colon-dash-close parenthesis” old-school smiley face 🙂 was born way back in 1982, by Professor Scott Fahlman on a Carnegie-Mellon message board. Emoticons, which evolved into the emojis we love and use too frequently today, gave a new depth of expression in written communication,


Queen Elizabeth Left Her Mark…Now What?

Sep 16, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning British monarch, has died, and that obviously means a lot of changes for people in the UK and across the world. But one big change will be visual: most people know the Queen’s face is on everything official, from stamps to coins to bills, so what happens there, now that she’s gone? 70 years of visual cues don’t just re-write themselves overnight! The process will be rolled out gradually, but the details of what and how needs to change are really fascinating,


A Happy Mistake Leads to Deeper Understanding

Sep 14, 2022

Who would ever think an error would pave the way to an explanation? Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory found an error in a century-old mathematical model, which would probably normally be kind of a bummer, but in this case, it led to a new explanation about how the human eye experiences color! Don’t ask us how math can tell you that, we’re designers for a reason…and this does have some pretty cool future implications for design!


This Robot is Delicious!

Sep 09, 2022

If the robots that are supposedly coming to take over our jobs are made out of chocolate, we’re more open to the idea…

Check out this amazing design from Amaury Guichon! The pastry chef is famous for thinking outside the box with his sculpting tools, and creating impossibly intricate chocolate sculptures. This one is no different: it’s a fully articulated robot arm, made entirely out of dark chocolate. The craziest part is this is actually the second chocolate robot the chef has made,


