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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

💞 Replace Your Ex in Time for Valentine’s Day 😂

Feb 08, 2023

Attention! We have reached the pinnacle of AI image generation tools! Picsart has created the AI Replace Your Ex tool that removes unwanted photo subjects and replaces them with something more fitting, a red flag, perhaps? If you’ve got a great photo of you but it unfortunately also has your ex, and none of your  graphic designer friends are up for the level of Photoshopping it will require, you’re in luck! Just in time for Valentine’s Day,


Wonders of Street View

Feb 03, 2023

In case you need something else to help you procrastinate from what you’re supposed to be doing, may we present Wonder of Street View. Developer Neal Agawarl has compiled an interactive journey of all of the oddities, quirks, and downright weird finds on Google’s Street View. Visit a staircase at CERN, see a shark diving into a roof in England, a Wookiee playing pool, and more. So much more!


Is It Chicken or is it Fish? It’s a New Brand for Chicken of the Sea!

Feb 01, 2023

2023 brings Chicken of the Sea’s first brand revamp in 20 years. The iconic mermaid mark (her name is Catalina, by the way) has been updated and shifted to give the wordmark more prominence. And it isn’t just the packaging with a fresh face: their website and messaging has been overhauled too, complete with a new tag line of “Wild-Caught Happiness”. New York’s Little Big Brands agency was entrusted with the redesign, who were committed to “respectfully evolving”


Wikipedia’s Site Redesign is a Subtle Boost to UX

Jan 27, 2023

Wikipedia’s brand isn’t known for flashy design, colors, or honestly really being much of a visual brand at all. That’s what makes this site redesign a great study in the value of UX principles in design. In fact, “subtle” was the entire point, so as to keep the site familiar to users. At first glance, the changes may be hard to notice, but start to use and search the site, and you can definitely tell: there’s a new sticky header that follows you down the page,


Cats Brighten Up Corps of Engineers Calendar

Jan 25, 2023

When the Portland branch of the Army Corps of Engineers selected projects and images, and wrote up their calendar for 2023, it was very educational and encompassing, but it wasn’t super…interesting. Enter their PR specialist Chris Gaylord, who recognized exactly what it was missing: giant cats. Yes, seriously! The calendar sports 12 carefully selected projects, and to appeal to the casual viewer, cats interact with all of the structures pictured. It’s a super refreshing way for an otherwise dry government agency to spread awareness,


The 50 States Get a New Look

Jan 20, 2023

If you ever wished your state had a custom illustration, today is your lucky day! Artist Bogdan Katsuba has made bespoke, minimalist illustrations of all 50 US states. Many of them are pretty self-explanatory, like a bear for California and a lighthouse for Maine, however, as Georgia residents, we are going to need a little bit of an explanation on our frog design! In our opinion, Texas’ cowboy-hatted rattlesnake wins best in show.


