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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Atlanta’s Own Living Walls Designed a Brand for Social Change

Jul 23, 2019

Street art provokes. It inspires and makes you think. We experienced this recently when walking past Peachtree Center in downtown Atlanta and we came across “Symphony” — Atlanta’s largest mural and the latest project from Living Walls, an Atlanta-based nonprofit.

To hear the Living Walls team describe it, their mission is to “promote the power of public art as a social and economic engine, providing an artistic workforce to create healthy,


Where Are The Happy Accidents?

Jul 19, 2019

Have you ever wanted to own a Bob Ross? Who are we kidding, of course you have! The PBS painting show host, despite having died in 1995, is as popular as ever. Netflix carries his series, and it is still shown on PBS every single day. So it stands to reason, there must be a lot of Bob Ross paintings out there, so you can totally buy one, right? Nope. The New York Times went on a quest to find where the paintings were hiding,


Penguin Publishing Celebrates Your Favorite Books

Jul 17, 2019

Normally, products used in an advertising campaign are the newest, shiniest and most perfect versions the designers can get their hands on. Not so in this new campaign from Penguin Books. The new campaign, called “Happy Reading”, celebrates your dogeared favorites that you return to, again and again. By emphasizing the beauty in the familiarity, we think Penguin has a winning design on its hands.



Stop Bad UI!

Jul 12, 2019

We’re all familiar with common UI frustrations, even if we can’t put a name to these specific digital pains. That’s where “User Inyerface” comes in. With its clever wordplay name, this is a PSA in the guise of an internet game to call attention to common user interface design pains. The rules are simple: fill out an online form as quickly as possible. The catch: The UI is trying to thwart you at every turn! It’s probably all too familiar for regular internet users.


Nestle Makes Recycling Sweet

Jul 10, 2019

Nestle is revolutionizing packaging design! It can be so hard to reconcile your chocolate craving with the knowledge that the plastic wrapper around your sweet treat is going to end up in a landfill…for years. Nestle now has you covered with their Yes! candy bar. The chocolate comes wrapped in a revolutionary new wrapper that uses sustainable processes and materials to let you have your sugar rush guilt free…well, almost.


The Comfiest Font

Jul 05, 2019

IKEA has a really amazing tool on their website that lets you design your perfect couch for your space. Naturally, once the word got out, the internet had fun with it. Users used the couch visualizer to spell out words and make pictures. Many companies would have ignored this, but IKEA has embraced the spontaneous crowdsourced design, and created a typeface from the shapes! SOFFA Sans is, naturally, available to download for free, and IKEA gets lots of points for a hilarious response.



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