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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Holy Grail for Target Addicts

Aug 09, 2019

Target has had some amazing partnerships with designers over the years. The products their collaborations produce are so popular, they’re renowned for selling out. To celebrate Target’s 20 year anniversary of designer collaborations, the retailer is re-releasing some of their most popular collaborations over the years! On September 14th, you can get your second chance at to bring a little bit of design exclusivity into your life.


WhatsApp and Instagram in the Facebook Fold

Aug 07, 2019

As you probably already know, Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram. The social media giant has decided it’s time to give these two newcomers to their roster a redesign. However, it doesn’t seem to be a redesign for the better. As of right now, all we know are the new, not very imaginative names: “WhatsApp from Facebook” and “Instagram from Facebook”. Hopefully, once they bring it to the graphic design phase, they’re more imaginative with the brands!


What are the Essentials for a Successful Brand Audit?

Aug 07, 2019

You’ve looked at the numbers for this year and notice they’ve dipped—a lot. Before you panic, understand that this probably the best time to conduct a brand audit.

Why? It’s a chance to check on the health of your brand and turn around those numbers around. This type of audit reduces the brand to its basics and gives an objective view of its strengths and weaknesses.

Brand audits also show where you currently stand in the industry.


How Wussy Magazine Went from a Brand to a Movement in the South

Aug 05, 2019

One thing we really respect about a business is when the founders saw a void in the marketplace that they believe needed to be filled, and they launched something from scratch that filled that void.

We saw a similar void in Atlanta’s graphic design industry when we launched KEYLAY in 2008. This is the story of how Wussy Magazine came to fruition.

Wussy launched in 2015 with the tagline “Atlanta-based sissies with an eye on queer art and pop culture.”

Atlanta’s LGBTQ media scene at the time was populated by a news-centric publication with occasional arts and entertainment coverage,


Follow The Yellow Striped Road

Aug 02, 2019

Everyone knows McDonald’s has the best french fries of all the fast food offerings. Despite what you may think about the rest of their menu, their fries reign supreme. Now, a new ad campaign in Paris gets your appetite piqued and then uses the fries as a wayfinding element to your nearest McDonald’s, so you can keep your eye on the prize for the entire journey.


Keeping Plastic Waste Out of the Ocean…With The Help of Ocean Creatures

Jul 31, 2019

A Scottish company has come up with a revolutionary replacement for plastic packaging. Created from shellfish waste, this new “plastic” is completely biodegradeable. The film is made from a substance called chitin, found in the shells of crustaceans, and can be processed to perform the same as plastic film. So now there’s no need to sacrifice food safety for the environmental impacts! We love seeing advances in packaging design that don’t affect our planet negatively.



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