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Here on Design Chatter, we post the latest and greatest about KEYLAY, helpful industry information, creative design ideas, small business need-to-knows and the occasional off the wall post just to lighten your day. We hope you enjoy, and we encourage you to comment and share the posts on your social networks!

Eurovision Gets a New Look

Dec 04, 2019

Do you watch Eurovision? While it’s not quite as big of a deal in the US, the Eurovision Song Contest is A Big Deal in Europe. Founded after WWII, the song contest aimed to reunite Europe through music after years of war. 41 countries compete in the contest, and for its 65th anniversary, Eurovision has a whole new look that highlights each and everyone of the 41, starting clockwise and it goes chronologically and shows the countries that have joined and grown this contest from the 7 it started with,


30 Years Later, the Berlin Wall Graffiti Comes to Life

Nov 29, 2019

2019 has marked 30 years since the Berlin Wall came down, and reunited Germany as one country again. To mark the occasion, agency Heimat Berlin has made a typeface using letters from the graffiti that adorned the wall when it was still standing. Each character was digitized from photos of the actual graffiti on the Wall, which served as a canvas for artists and activists during its time. From the agency: “If walls could talk, what would the Berlin Wall say today?


Trade Show Booths: How Businesses Can Make a Great First Impression

Nov 28, 2019

You’ve made a big decision for the business. You’re going to your first trade show. It’s an opportunity to introduce your company to a broader audience and snag a ton of new leads.

But now comes the realization that you need a stellar trade show booth for your exhibition.

It’s the difference between your event generating buzz or barely making a whimper. Since over 80% of attendees have buying authority,


Social Media Trends for 2020

Nov 27, 2019

It’s that time of year again! That is, when the year is ending, and you look around, blinking, and wondering where it went. So in the spirit of the upcoming Roaring 20s, Social Media Today has compiled their predictions for the 5 “must have” trends in graphic design for social media 2020. Casual user of social media probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how to optimize their posting of their dinner plate, but companies trying to reach an audience sure do.


Classic Albums Get a Facelift

Nov 22, 2019

There is nothing that can denote a specific era of time to a viewer faster than graphic design. Brightly colored daisies scream “60s”, and neon is unavoidably associated with the 80s. This fun project reimagines classic album art…if they dropped today, in the 2010s. You’ve definitely seen all the original versions of these album covers, they’re iconic, but it’s fun to see how designers imagine the art would translate to today’s trends and hallmarks. Which one is your favorite?


What Goes Into Typeface Design?

Nov 20, 2019

Have you seen Abstract on Netflix? If you appreciate design and you haven’t, you’re missing out! The documentary series covers designs topics of all disciplines. This season, an episode with Jonathan Hoefler…yes, THAT Hoefler…breaks down the thought behind designing typefaces, and he’d certainly know about that. His design process is fascinating, and this is an episode that is a must-see for anyone who appreciates typography and its use in graphic design.



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