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This Rebrand Pays Off

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This Rebrand Pays Off

Sep 25, 2024

You know we love a rebrand! seeing a whole new look for a brand you can’t imagine any other way is always a fascinating design problem. PayPal is the newest big brand sporting a new look, and by Pentagram no less. With a focus on being simple and modern, the rebrand highlights how strategic design can evolve established brands without losing their roots. This rebrand even comes with a custom typeface, which is the current rebrand must-have these days: Paypal Pro, built off a “contemporary drawing of Futura” (pretty sure they could have just used straight Futura and saved a few bucks, but that’s just us…) Where this rebrand really shines is Pentagram’s inclusion of motion design within the brand itself, inspired by everyday payment gestures.
Check it out here >>

