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Happy Birthday, Burt’s Bees!

Experience Your Design

Experience Keylay

Happy Birthday, Burt’s Bees!

Jul 26, 2024

If you’re a chapstick fiend like us, you’ve always got your Burt’s Bees stick handy. But did you know that the brand is 40 years old this year? To celebrate, the brand is rolling it back with retro inspired design, with merch that will take you all the way back to 1984! If you’re too young to know what that covers, it means: bright primary colors, friendly serif typefaces, desaturated photography, and all the wood paneling your heart desires. The anniversary products were photographed at the cabin of the original “Burt” of Burt’s Bees, so they really took it allll the way back. There’s an additional bonus too: the packaging has been updated to utilize more recycled material.
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