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3 Ways to Make Working with Difficult Clients Easier

Experience Your Design

Experience Keylay

3 Ways to Make Working with Difficult Clients Easier

Mar 07, 2017

As graphic designers, we know all too well how difficult it can be to work with some clients. While we love 99.9% of our clients (sorry for calling out the other .1%), we’ve certainly had some difficult clients!  But just because some folks may unknowingly create unnecessary work or, in more extreme cases, torment life as you know it, that doesn’t mean you can’t set expectations from the get-go. Here are tips on how to start off on the best foot with every client, every time:

It may sound harsh, but it’s a practice you should embrace. Creating a weeding out process by implementing a series of Q&A is an easy way to eliminate the type of work and personalities you simply don’t mesh well with!
Creative Boom says to avoid these types of clients.

Ensure your client is completely clear on what you’re responsible for, what they’re responsible for, and what the client can expect from this project. Include deadlines for both parties, layman’s terms instructions, and anything you can provide to make it as elementary as possible for your client.

After a solid scope of work has been completed and the client communicates they understand all aspects, have an service level agreement (SLA) prepared for signing. SLA’s give both the client and you peace of mind knowing both parties will follow through with their promises.

And just like that, your difficult client days are over!

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